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The one-day SWiP event comprised an exciting panel discussion by experts in the fields of preservation of languages, culture, and digitisation of information, and an introductory mini workshop to Wikipedia focusing on editing, translating, and making content available online.

The one-day SWiP event comprised an exciting panel discussion by experts in the fields of preservation of languages, culture, and digitisation of information, and an introductory mini workshop to Wikipedia focusing on editing, translating, and making content available online.

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  • 2nd Workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages

      2nd workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Language (RAIL) – PROGRAMME NOW AVAILABLE BELOW The South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) is organising the second RAIL workshop in the field of African Indigenous Language Resources. This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are interested in showcasing their research and thereby boosting…

  • Eyewitness Memory Project

    Through the lens Ex achina: using NLP and statistical learning methods to model eyewitness statements and choosing behavior University of Cape Town Project type: Open call project Start Date: 01-11-2018 End Date: 31-10-2020 Project Objective: The primary aim of this project is to develop and put to trial a new, innovative way of analysing and using eyewitness statements…

  • Human Language Technologies Audit 2017/2018

    Human Language Technology Audit 2017/18   Project type: Node Specialisation Project Project Start Date: 1 July 2017 Project Status: completed   Project Objective: This project aimed to provide information on the state of HLT R&D in South Africa. Specifically, to replicate the HLT audit completed in 2009 and to update the information on the various HLT tools, resources…

  • Harvesting existing sources of speech data for HTL development in South Africa

    Project Type: SADiLaR Node -CSIR Meraka InstituteProject Start Date: 1 April 2018Project Status: Finalising Project Aims: The aim of the project is to explore different possibilities for the (semi-) automatic harvesting of existing sources of speech data to create resources that can be used to develop new and improve on existing speech technologies. Ultimately the…

  • Tracing History Trust: VC Daghregister transcription project

    VC Daghregister transcription project University of Witwatersrand   Project type: Open call project Start Date: 1 October 2018 Project Status: completed   Project Objective: Continuing the work started during two major transcription projects executed in the Cape Archives from 2001 till 2008. The project is exclusively focussed on the digitisation and transcription of these journals in order…

  • Health Resources for the South African Languages

    Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences/Child Language Africa in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town   Project type: Open call project Start Date: 1 November 2018 End Date: 31 December 2019 Project Objective: The project runs under the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences/Child Language Africa in the Faculty of Health Sciences at…

  • Stellenbosch University: Child Language Development Node

    Unidentified and unmet language needs have huge individual, social and economic consequences for society, according to research done in the UK, a country similar in size to SA, unmet and unidentified language needs across the life span will cost 330 million pounds per age cohort. The Child Language Development node of SADiLaR, hosted by the…

  • Conference Workshops


  • SADiLaR Community