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The one-day SWiP event comprised an exciting panel discussion by experts in the fields of preservation of languages, culture, and digitisation of information, and an introductory mini workshop to Wikipedia focusing on editing, translating, and making content available online.

The one-day SWiP event comprised an exciting panel discussion by experts in the fields of preservation of languages, culture, and digitisation of information, and an introductory mini workshop to Wikipedia focusing on editing, translating, and making content available online.

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  • SADiLaR Projects


  • SADiLaR Nodes

    CSIR HLT  Voice Computing (VC) Research Group       Inter-institutional Centre for Language Development and Assessment   UNISA – Department of African Languages    University of Pretoria –  Department of African Languagues     North-West University Centre for Text Technology      

  • SADiLaR and Mother Tongue Day

    Sunday 21 February 2021 is a day of celebrating mother language across the globe. What does celebrating your mother language mean to you? For some it is celebrating the mere fact that language offers an avenue of communicating in a way that others understand, others will be celebrating language as a way of learning and…

  • Monthly Newsletters

    SADiLaR publishes a newsletter every month (except for the months when we publish our external newsletter). If you would like to find out what is happening at the core of the hub, we invite you to read through or have a look at our monthly newsletters:  14 February 2022  17 January 2022  25 November 2022…

  • SADiLaR Newsletter: November 2020

    This is the first edition of the SADiLaR newsletter that is now available in all the official South African languages. Click on the newsletter that you would like to read.                                                    …

  • Newsletter subscription

    To subscribe to and receive our our newsletter, please submit your details below: {loadmoduleid 94}

  • Bridging communication barriers in COVID-19 triage and screening – A mobile speech app

    The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an entity under the Department of Science and Innovation and Aweza have collaborated to develop a unique mobile application to bridge communication barriers between healthcare providers and patients. Aweza is an international award-winning tech-based initiative that strives to inspire and empower South Africans to overcome language barriers…

  • SADiLaR Data Management Plan

    This is the SADiLaR Data Management Plan for projects including data acquisition and delivery View the SADiLaR Data Management Plan 

  • SADiLaR Information Sheet

    This is an information Sheet about SADiLaR to accompany the policies View the SADiLaR Information Sheet