Naa part-of-speech tagger ke eng?
Author: Dimakatso Mathe (SADiLaR Sesotho sa Leboa Researcher) Part-of-speech tagger, yeo e tla bitšwago sehlathahlophantšu go tloga mo, ke sedirišwa sa theknolotši seo se dirišwago
Author: Dimakatso Mathe (SADiLaR Sesotho sa Leboa Researcher) Part-of-speech tagger, yeo e tla bitšwago sehlathahlophantšu go tloga mo, ke sedirišwa sa theknolotši seo se dirišwago
Deur: Benito Trollip & Risha Lötter Onlangs moes een van ons voorberei vir ʼn aanbieding oor Afrikaans en of die taal voorsiening daarvoor maak om
Author: Andiswa Bukula (SADiLaR isiXhosa researcher) On the 20th of August I had the privilege of attending a virtual seminar that was hosted by Pan
Author: Respect Mlambo (SADiLaR Xitsonga Researcher) This blog is about the historical background of Xitsonga lexicography. It displays the various writers who contributed to Xitsonga’s
Authors: Nomsa Skosana (isiNdebele researcher) & Mmasibidi Setaka (Sesotho researcher) IsiNdebele and Sesotho are two of the eleven South African official languages. They are distinct
Author: Rooweither Mabuya (SADiLaR isiZulu Researcher) Language is a vehicle through which gender sensitivity is expressed. According to (Wodak, 1997) gender concerns the psychological, social
Author: Respect Mlambo (SADiLaR Xistonga researcher) In today’s blog, I provide a general overview of qualificatives in Xitsonga. The primary purpose of this blog is
[T]he English language will be able to carry the weight of my African experience. But it will have to be a new English, still in
Author: Deon du Plessis[1] 4 minute read The Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Society (SALALS) recently held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a
Author: Ms Mmasibidi Setaka (SADiLaR Sesotho Researcher) I was recently invited to join a webinar hosted by the Indigenous Language Action Forum, ILAF, (https://ilaf.co.za/) in