
  • Let’s support our writers

    Author: Mmasibidi Setaka (SADiLaR Sesotho Researcher)  My name is Mme Mmasibidi Setaka, I am a Sesotho Researcher at the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources which is a national centre supported by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). SADiLaR has an enabling function, with a focus on all official languages of South Africa, supporting research and…

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  • ʼn Videoreeks oor intensiewe vorme in Afrikaans

    Author: Benito Trollip (SADiLaR Afrikaans researcher) Short summary and English title: A video series on intensified adjectives in Afrikaans In this blog a video series on intensified adjectives in Afrikaans is introduced. Interesting questions about these words are raised, including but not limited to who decides when a compound becomes and intensified adjective and where…

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  • Tlhabololo ya Dipuo tsa Tlholego tsa Aforikaborwa ka Tiriso ya Didiriswa tsa Thekenoloji

    Author: Valencia Wagner (SADiLaR Setswana Researcher) //English: Developing South African indigenous languages through the use of Digital Technologies// Aforika Borwa e itsege jaaka naga ya bopuontsi. Naga e, e na le dipuo tsa semmuso di le 11, mme dipuo tse di tshwanetse go somarelwa le go tlhabololwa gore di se nyelele.

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  • Nkoka wa Swivuriso erixakeni ra Vatsonga

    Author: Respect Mlambo (SADiLaR Xitsonga Researcher) Manghenelo Swivuriso swi hlamuseriwa tanihi xigaririmi lexi nga na tinhlamuselo to enta hi mayelana na vutomi bya vanhu naswona ntirhokulu wa swona i ku letela, ku laya, ku khutaza, ku ahlula timhaka no aka rixaka hi ku angarhela. Shabangu (1996) u hlamusela swivuriso ku ri ntiyiso lowu nga cinciki,…

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  • Ukubaluleka kolwimi nenkcubeko eluntwini

    Author: Andiswa Bukula (SADiLaR isiXhosa Researcher) This blog post speaks about the importance of language and culture. It taps into the idea that one’s language is one’s identity, and our culture paves the way for how we live our lives.

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  • Digitale geesteswetenskappe: ʼn saak van doen én dink

    Author: Benito Trollip (SADiLaR Afrikaans Researcher)  Updated version Short summary and English title:Digital humanities: A case of doing and thinkingIn this piece questions are raised pertaining to how digital humanities (DH) is approached in general and in the Afrikaans research community specifically. It should be an important consideration to think about the interaction between the digital and the…

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