Latest News

  • Establishing a new infrastructure

    English can be regarded as the de facto language of the digital age due to the rapid development of the internet and communication technology over the last three decades. However, speakers of other languages have taken up the challenge and there has been a concerted effort to develop digital tools and other resources in languages…

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  • SADiLaR Activities and Projects

    Activities 2024 Conference presentations 2024 Conference workshops and tutorials and other events DH Colloquia SADiLaR organizes monthly Digital Humanities colloquia. These typically take place on Wednesdays (in the middle of the month) from 10:00 to 11:00 SAST. During these DH colloquia a wide variety of topics are discussed, mostly on content related to Digital Humanities,…

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  • Call for proposals

    SADiLaR call for new project proposals The South African Centre for Digital Language Resources is excited to announce that a call for proposals has been launched and submissions opened on 31 January 2018. This is an opportunity to participate in the development infrastructure and play a significant role in the development of language resources and…

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