
  • student-led project makes isiXhosa vocabulary easily accessible

    Learning a new language can be fun but also challenging as you try to navigate your way through a wondrous world of novel sounds and words. Life has just become a little easier for isiXhosa learners with, a new online dictionary for isiXhosa and English. Funded partially by the South African Centre for Digital…

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  • SADiLaR raises global visibility from Poland to Italy

    Menno van Zaanen, professor in Digital Humanities at the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) recently spent a productive two weeks at the University of Gdańsk in Poland to conduct teaching activities and interdisciplinary research in digital humanities. He was invited by Dr Karolina Rudnicka from the Faculty of Languages as part of…

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  • SADiLaR Executive Director elected as Fellow of the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

    The Executive Director of the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR), Prof Langa Khumalo, has been elected as Fellow of the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences (ZAS). Founded in 2003, ZAS recognizes and promotes outstanding science through election to membership, and this process brings recognition, honour, distinction, and excellence to scientific programmes, projects, research…

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  • First-of-a-kind study measures children’s utterances in Southern Bantu languages

    A study published by the Child Language Development node of the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) is the first of its kind to measure children’s utterances in isiXhosa, Sesotho, Setswana and Xitsonga. The research team, led by node manager and principal investigator Prof Heather Brookes, published their results in the Journal of…

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  • SADiLaR’s strategic vision presented to CLARIN Management

    Stakeholder engagement is a crucial part of the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR)’s strategic mission. With the adoption of a new five-year strategy plan, the infrastructure is dedicated to promoting its mandate and establishing a local and global presence to attract potential partners in the domains of natural language processing and digital…

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  • SADiLaR celebrates PhD aimed at improving Sesotho learners’ reading skills

    A former high school teacher’s quest to improve the poor reading ability of learners in low-resource languages has resulted in a groundbreaking PhD centered on the development of a means to measure text readability while developing digital language resources for Sesotho. This research is the first of its kind and will also serve as a…

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