SADiLaR dedicated the month of October to celebrate Siswati as an official language of South Africa.
24 October 2019: Celebration event at the University of Mpumalanga, Mbombela
8:30- 9:00 Registration and Tea
09:00- 9:05 Opening and Welcome
09:05- 9:10 Introduction of SADilaR and Purpose of Event
09:10- 9:20 Scope of SADilaR
09:20- 9:40 The constitutional Obligation of all government departments and national lexicography units toward our indigenous languages
09:40-10:10 Keynote Speaker of Siswati Historical context
10:10- 10:30 Traditional Dance and Music
10:30- 10:35 Siswati Poetry
10:35- 11:00 Department of Arts and Culture – Development of Siswati
11:00- 11:35 Siswati in basic education and challenges
11:35- 12:00 The use of Siswati in Academic Institutions
12:00-12:30 Awards
12:30-12:45 Traditional Dance and Music
12:45-13:00 Closing Remarks
13:00 Lunch
Umholi luhlelo:
8:30- 9:00 Kubhalisa nelitiya
09:00- 9:05 Kuvula nekwamukelwa
09:05- 9:10 Kwetfulwa kwe-SADiLaR nenhloso yembungato
09:10 – 9:20 Umsebenti we-SADilaR
09:20- 9:40 Kutfotjelwa kweMtsetfosisekelo welive ngematiko onkhe ahulumende neSilulu seSiswati kwetilwimi tetfu temdzabu
09:40 -10:10 Sikhulumi selusuku: Umlandvo welulwimi lweSiswati
10:10- 10:30 Umgidvo weSiswati/ Umculo wesintfu
10:30- 10:35 Inkondlo
10:35- 11:00 Litiko leTebuciko Nemasiko, imisebenti yetilwimi: kutfutfukiswa kwelulwimi lweSiswati
11:00- 11:35 Kufundziswa kweSiswati etikolweni letiphansi netinsayeya
11:35- 12:00 Kusetjentiswa kweSiswati etikhungweni letiphakeme temfundvo
12:00-12:30 Kumukeliswa kwetipho
12:30-12:45 Umgidvo weSiswati/ Umculo wesintfu
12:45-13:00 Emavi ekubonga nekuvala
13:00 Kudla
Locals in high spirit during the SADiLaR Siswati celebration
The month of October was dedicated to the language of Siswati, as part of The South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) monthly celebrations of all official South African languages.
At an event recently held at the University of Mpumalanga in Mbombela, more than 100 people attended the glamorous Siswati occasion as it forms part of the initiatives aimed at sharing ideas, taking action and developing awareness of our languages and language resources. These SADiLaR events are proudly supported by UNESCO’s initiative to dedicate 2019 as its International Year of Indigenous Languages.