Dr Friedel Wolff
Technical Manager
Dr Friedel Wolff is a computer scientist specialising in language technology. His career spanned over multiple industries with varied responsibilities, including software development, leadership, training and research. Having worked in industry, the NGO sector and academia, his focus has always been on the proper application of information technology, and the sustainability of teams and projects. As a researcher his core interests are in language resources, translation support, and techniques for addressing resource scarceness. As a developer and consultant his role involved designing and building systems in a number of industries. In most positions his role naturally expanded into one of taking the lead on the quality of software, systems and processes.
- PhD Computer Science. Unisa. 2018.
- MSc Computer Science. University of Johannesburg. 2004.
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science. Rand Afrikaans University (RAU, now UJ). 2002.
- BSc Information Technology. Rand Afrikaans University (RAU, now UJ). 2001.
Work experience
- Senior consultant with Tangent Solutions (now part of Jurumani Solutions).
- Language technologist with the Academy of African Languages and Science at Unisa.