SADiLaR has Digital Humanities researchers with expertise in most of the official languages of South Africa. Led by Professor in Digital Humanities, Menno van Zaanen, the research team aims to support research and development in the domains of language technologies and language-related studies and beyond in the humanities and social sciences.
Have a look at our DH researchers’ fields of interest and study below, and feel free to contact them if you would like to collaborate on research projects.
- Prof Menno van Zaanen – Professor in Digital Humanities
- Mr Deon du Plessis – Digital Humanities Researcher: English
- Dr Benito Trollip – Digital Humanities Researcher: Afrikaans
- Ms Rooweither Mabuya – Digital Humanities Researcher: isiZulu
- Ms Nomsa Skosana – Digital Humanities Researcher: isiNdebele
- Ms Andiswa Bukula – Digital Humanities Researcher: isiXhosa
- Ms Mmasibidi Setaka-Bapela – Digital Humanities Researcher: Sesotho
- Dr Respect Mlambo – Digital Humanities Researcher: Xitsonga
- Dr Muzi Matfunjwa – Digital Humanities Researcher: Siswati
We are currently in the process of converting the publication information to a new format. The current list of publications is not yet fully up-to-date. We will update this information on a continuous basis.
Journal articles
- [1]
- Respect Mlambo and Muzi Matfunjwa. The influence of nominal prefixes on the formation of compound words in Xitsonga. Literator : Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, 46(1):1–9, March 2025. (doi:10.4102/lit.v46i1.2131)
- [2]
- Respect Mlambo and Muzi Matfunjwa. Human language technology tools for indigenous South African languages and their potential use. Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, 46(1):1–11, January 2025. (doi:10.4102/lit.v46i1.2049)
- [3]
- Respect Mlambo and Madala C. Hlungwani. The syntactic features and emotional impact of Xitsonga interjections. Literator : Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, 45(1):1–9, December 2024. (doi:
- [4]
- Rose Masubelele and Muzi Matfunjwa. An exploration of translated collocations in the constitution of South Africa: a corpus-based study. South African Journal of African Languages, 44(3):288–298, November 2024. (doi:10.1080/02572117.2024.2414661)
- [5]
- Johannes Sibeko and Mmasibidi Setaka. Challenges in intellectualizing Sesotho for use in academic publications. Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP), 27(1):141–163, September 2024. (doi:10.3998/jep.5408)
- [6]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen. A data set of final year high school examination texts of South African home and first additional language subjects. Language Resources and Evaluation, 58(2), September 2024. (doi:10.1007/s10579-024-09770-8)
- [7]
- Muzi Matfunjwa, Respect Mlambo, and Nomsa Skosana. Nicknames among Swati clans: A socio-cultural analysis. Literator : Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, 45(1), February 2024. (doi:10.4102/lit.v45i1.2020)
- [8]
- Respect Mlambo and Muzi Matfunjwa. The use of technology to preserve indigenous languages of South Africa. Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, 45(1):1–8, February 2024. (doi:10.4102/lit.v45i1.2007)
- [9]
- Benito Trollip. ’n Gebruiksgebaseerde beskrywing van Afrikaanse prefiksoïede. LitNet Akademies, 20(3):851–892, November 2023. (doi:10.56273/1995-5928/2023/j20n3g1)
- [10]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen. A data set of final year high school examination texts of South African home and first additional language subjects. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 9(1), July 2023. (doi:10.5334/johd.108)
- [11]
- Febe de Wet, Andiswa Bukula, Willem Karsten, Martin Puttkammer, Erwin Schillack, Roné Wierenga, and Roald Eiselen. Localising the Mozilla Common Voice platform for South Africa’s official languages. Journal of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, Vol. 4, No.1, 4(1), March 2023. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v4i01.4437)
- [12]
- Mmasibidi Setaka and Benito Trollip. Resource repositories and linking resources: An exploratory study. Journal of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, 4(2):1–9, March 2023. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v4i02.4342)
- [13]
- Parisa Shayan, Roberto Rondinelli, Menno van Zaanen, and Martin Atzmueller. Multi-level analysis of learning management systems’ user acceptance exemplified in two system case studies. Data, 8(3):45–45, February 2023. (doi:10.3390/data8030045)
- [14]
- Roald Eiselen and Andiswa Bukula. IsiXhosa named entity recognition resources. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), December 2022. (doi:10.1145/3531478)
- [15]
- Respect Mlambo, Muzi Nkanyiso Matfunjwa, and Nomsa Juliet Skosana. Contrastive analysis of word-formation strategies in the translated South African constitution. Literator, 43(1):1–8, November 2022. (doi:10.4102/lit.v43i1.1861)
- [16]
- Anne M. Treasure, Siobhan Mackenzie Hall, Igor Lesko, Derek Moore, Malvika Sharan, Menno van Zaanen, Yo Yehudi, and Anelda van der Walt. Ten simple rules for establishing a mentorship programme. PLOS Computational Biology, 18(5), May 2022. (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010015)
- [17]
- Nuette Heyns and Menno van Zaanen. Finding topic boundaries in literary text. Journal of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, 3(1), February 2022. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v3i01.3863)
- [18]
- Respect Mlambo and Muzi Matfunjwa. Using MonoConc Pro to teach and learn lexical collocations in Xitsonga. Journal of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, 3(3):1–7, February 2022. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v3i03.3821)
- [19]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen. An analysis of readability metrics on English exam texts. Journal of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, 3(1), February 2022. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v3i01.3864)
- [20]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. The uncanny valley of a virtual animal. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 33(2), February 2022. (doi:10.1002/cav.2043)
- [21]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. Try walking in my paws: Is it possible to increase empathy, immersion, and perceived pain in virtual reality environments by manipulating animal character appearance?. SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2022. (doi:10.2139/ssrn.4014076)
- [22]
- Rianne Conijn, Emily Dux Speltz, Menno van Zaanen, Luuk Van Waes, and Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen. A product- and process-oriented tagset for revisions in writing. Written Communication, 39(1):97–128, October 2021. (doi:10.1177/07410883211052104)
- [23]
- Nomsa Juliet Skosana and Respect Mlambo. A brief study of the Autshumato machine translation web service for South African languages. Literator – Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, 42(1):1–7, October 2021. (doi:10.4102/lit.v42i1.1766)
- [24]
- Rianne Conijn, Christine Cook, Menno van Zaanen, and Luuk Van Waes. Early prediction of writing quality using keystroke logging. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 32(4):835–866, August 2021. (doi:10.1007/s40593-021-00268-w)
- [25]
- Langa Khumalo and Rooweither Mabuya. A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of gender sensitivity in isiZulu. Alternation Special Edition 38b (2021) Alternation Open Issue 05 The Role of Language in Human Existence, Education, Innovation and Research, and the Intellectualisation of African Languages, 28(5):658–673, May 2021. (doi:10.29086/2519-5476/2021/sp38a29)
- [26]
- Respect Mlambo, Nomsa Juliet Skosana, and Muzi Nkanyiso Matfunjwa. The extraction of terminology list using ParaConc for creating a quadrilingual dictionary. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 39(1):82–91, May 2021. (doi:10.2989/16073614.2021.1896971)
- [27]
- Benito Trollip. Denominal adjectives in Afrikaans: The cases of ·agtig and ·e·rig. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 17(5):27–41, December 2020.
- [28]
- Rianne Conijn, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Simon Knight, Simon Buckingham Shum, Luuk Van Waes, and Menno van Zaanen. How to provide automated feedback on the writing process? a participatory approach to design writing analytics tools. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(8):1838–1868, November 2020. (doi:10.1080/09588221.2020.1839503)
- [29]
- Rooweither Mabuya, Dimakatso Mathe, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen. Digitizing humanities in South Africa: Computational linguistic resources, training, and community building. Pop! Public. Open. Participatory, 2, October 2020. (doi:10.54590/pop.2020.007)
- [30]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. The influence of game character appearance on empathy and immersion: Virtual non-robotic versus robotic animals. Simulation and Gaming, 51(5):685–711, July 2020. (doi:10.1177/1046878120926694)
- [31]
- Menno van Zaanen. Language at the centre of the fourth industrial revolution. LitNet, March 2020.
- [32]
- Christoph Aurnhammer, Iris Cuppen, Inge van de Ven, and Menno van Zaanen. Manual annotation of unsupervised models: Close and distant reading of politics on Reddit. DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, 13(3), January 2019.
Conference publications
- [1]
- Nuette Heyns and Menno van Zaanen. Annotating mystery novels: Guidelines and adaptations. In Yash Kumar Lal, Elizabeth Clark, Mohit Iyyer, Snigdhaand Chaturvedi, Anneliese Brei, Faeze Brahman, and Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, editors, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Narrative Understanding, pages 55–66, Miami, Florida, USA, November 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- [2]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno Van Zaanen. Adapting nine traditional text readability measures into Sesotho. In Rooweither Mabuya, Muzi Matfunjwa, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages@ LREC-COLING 2024, pages 66–76, Torino, Italia, May 2024. ELRA and ICCL.
- [3]
- Jiayi Wang, David Adelani, Sweta Agrawal, Marek Masiak, Ricardo Rei, Eleftheria Briakou, Marine Carpuat, Xuanli He, Sofia Bourhim, Andiswa Bukula, Muhidin Mohamed, Temitayo Olatoye, Tosin Adewumi, Hamam Mokayed, Christine Mwase, Wangui Kimotho, Foutse Yuehgoh, Anuoluwapo Aremu, Jessica Ojo, Shamsuddeen Muhammad, Salomey Osei, Abdul-Hakeem Omotayo, Chiamaka Chukwuneke, Perez Ogayo, Oumaima Hourrane, Salma El Anigri, Lolwethu Ndolela, Thabiso Mangwana, Shafie Mohamed, Hassan Ayinde, Oluwabusayo Awoyomi, Lama Alkhaled, Sana Al-azzawi, Naome Etori, Millicent Ochieng, Clemencia Siro, Njoroge Kiragu, Eric Muchiri, Wangari Kimotho, Toadoum Sari Sakayo, Lyse Naomi Wamba, Daud Abolade, Simbiat Ajao, Iyanuoluwa Shode, Ricky Macharm, Ruqayya Iro, Saheed Abdullahi, Stephen Moore, Bernard Opoku, Zainab Akinjobi, Abeeb Afolabi, Nnaemeka Obiefuna, Onyekachi Ogbu, Sam Ochieng’, Verrah Otiende, Chinedu Mbonu, Yao Lu, and Pontus Stenetorp. AfriMTE and AfriCOMET: Enhancing COMET to embrace under-resourced African languages. In Kevin Duh, Helena Gomez, and Steven Bethard, editors, 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 5997–6023, March 2024. (doi:10.18653/v1/2024.naacl-long.334)
- [4]
- Nomsa Skosana, Respect Mlambo, and Muzi Matfunjwa. Strategies for creating corpora and language resources for under-resourced South African indigenous languages. In Zygmunt Vetulani and Patrick Paroubek, editors, Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics – 2023, pages 272–276, Poznan, Poland, February 2024. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza. (doi:10.14746/amup.9788323241775)
- [5]
- Benito Trollip and Trudie Strauss. Analysing Afrikaans lexical blends using Levenshtein distances. In Adri Breed, editor, Proceedings of the 4th International Afrikaans Grammar Workshop, pages 1–16, Potchefstroom, South Africa, December 2023. North-West University. (doi:10.25388/nwu.25052690)
- [6]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. Measuring emotional facial expressions in students with facereader: What happens if your teacher is not a human, instead, it is a virtual robotic animal?. In Richard Balogh, David Obdržálek, and Eftychios Christoforou, editors, Robotics in Education: Proceedings of the RiE 2023 Conference, pages 367–379. Springer Cham, October 2023. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-38454-7_30)
- [7]
- Cheikh M. Bamba Dione, David Ifeoluwa Adelani, Peter Nabende, Jesujoba Alabi, Thapelo Sindane, Happy Buzaaba, Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad, Chris Chinenye Emezue, Perez Ogayo, Anuoluwapo Aremu, Catherine Gitau, Derguene Mbaye, Jonathan Mukiibi, Blessing Sibanda, Bonaventure F. P. Dossou, Andiswa Bukula, Rooweither Mabuya, Allahsera Auguste Tapo, Edwin Munkoh-Buabeng, Victoire Memdjokam Koagne, Fatoumata Ouoba Kabore, Amelia Taylor, Godson Kalipe, Tebogo Macucwa, Vukosi Marivate, Tajuddeen Gwadabe, Mboning Tchiaze Elvis, Ikechukwu Onyenwe, Gratien Atindogbe, Tolulope Adelani, Idris Akinade, Olanrewaju Samuel, Marien Nahimana, Théogène Musabeyezu, Emile Niyomutabazi, Ester Chimhenga, Kudzai Gotosa, Patrick Mizha, Apelete Agbolo, Seydou Traore, Chinedu Uchechukwu, Aliyu Yusuf, and Dietrich Abdullahi, Muhammad Klakow. MasakhaPOS: Part-of-speech tagging for typologically diverse African languages. In Anna Rogers, Jordan Boyd-Graber, and Naoaki Okazaki, editors, Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 10883–10900. ACL Anthology, July 2023. (doi:10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.609)
- [8]
- Derwin Ngomane, Vukosi Marivate, Jade Abbott, and Rooweither Mabuya. Unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding representation for English-isiZulu. In Rooweither Mabuya, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages (RAIL 2023), pages 11–17. Association for Computational Linguistics, May 2023. (doi:10.18653/v1/2023.rail-1.2)
- [9]
- Derwin Ngomane, Vukosi Marivate, Rooweither Mabuya, and Jade Abbott. Unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding representation for English-isiZulu. In Rooweither Mabuya, Don Mthobela, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth Resources for African Indigenous Languages Workshop. 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics., pages 11–17, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics. (doi:10.18653/v1/2023.rail-1.2)
- [10]
- Johannes Sibeko and Mmasibidi Setaka. Evaluating the Sesotho rule-based syllabification system on Sepedi and Setswana words. In Rooweither Mabuya, Don Mthobela, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno Van Zaanen, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages (RAIL 2023), pages 76–85, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023. ACL anthology. (doi:10.18653/v1/2023.rail-1.9)
- [11]
- Parisa Shayan, Martin Atzmueller, and Menno Van Zaanen. Assessing the influence of time on features for the prediction of user dropout. In Marek Reformat, Du Zhang, and Nik Bourbakis, editors, 2022 IEEE 34th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pages 1022–1027, Macao, China, April 2023. IEEE. (doi:10.1109/ICTAI56018.2022.00156)
- [12]
- Parisa Shayan, Menno van Zaanen, and Martin Atzmueller. Predicting user dropout from their online learning behavior. In Poncelet Pascal and Dino Ienco, editors, International Conference on Discovery Science, pages 243–252. Springer Cham, November 2022. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-18840-4_18)
- [13]
- Nuette Heyns and Menno Van Zaanen. Detecting multiple transitions in literary texts. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blanche, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis, editors, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 3375–3381, Marseille, France, June 2022. European Language Resources Association.
- [14]
- Mabuya Rooweither. Wordsmith tools as an enabler for text analysis. In Karen Calteaux, Franziska Pannach, and Menno van Zaanen, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Language (RAIL) at DHASA 2021, pages 1–11, Pretoria, South Africa, February 2022. Journal of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA). (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v3i03.3824)
- [15]
- Nomsa Skosana and Respect Mlambo. A morphosemantic analysis of isiNdebele adverbs: A corpus-based study. In nan, editor, 10th World Congress of African Linguistics. OSF, June 2021. (doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/9AMJE)
- [16]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Cindy Carolina Vasquez, Fernando Martinez, Wily Orejuela Ramirez, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. The effectiveness of a robot animal as a virtual instructor. In Wilfried Lepuschitz, Munir Merdan, Gottfried Koppensteiner, Richard Balogh, and David Obdržálek, editors, International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), pages 329–338, Switzerland, January 2021. Springer Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-67411-3_30)
- [17]
- Eduardo Araujo Oliveira, Rianne Conijn, Paula De Barba, Kelly Trezise, Menno van Zaanen, and Gregor Kennedy. Writing analytics across essay tasks with different cognitive load demands. In S. Gregory, S. Warburton, and M. Parkes, editors, 37th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE, pages 60–70. ASCILITE Publications, November 2020.
- [18]
- Inge van de Ven and Menno van Zaanen. Bridging the gap between culture studies and computational linguistics. In Steven Krauwer and Darja Fišer, editors, Conference Proceedings Twin Talks: Virtual Workshop Understanding and Facilitating Collaboration in DH, pages 93–102, Ottawa, Canada and Riga, Latvia, October 2020.
- [19]
- Rianne Conijn, Luuk Van Waes, and Menno van Zaanen. Human-centered design of a dashboard on students’ revisions during writing. In Carlos Alario-Hoyos, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Maren Scheffel, Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez, and Sebastian Maximilian Dennerlein, editors, 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL, Heidelberg, Germany, pages 30–44, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2020. Springer Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-57717-9_3)
- [20]
- Phathutshedzo Maxwell Ramukhadi, Respect Mlambo, Benito Trollip, and Menno van Zaanen. Identifying relations between characters in Afrikaans, Tshivenḓa, and Xitsonga books. In Laura Estill, Jennifer Guiliano, and Constance Crompton, editors, DH2020 Book of abstracts, Ottawa, Canada, July 2020. ADHO. (doi:10.17613/z8m1-dq32)
- [21]
- Rianne Conijn, Emily Dux Speltz, Menno van Zaanen, Luuk Van Waes, and Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen. A process-oriented dataset of revisions during writing. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blanche, Khalid Chourki, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis, editors, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), Marseille, France, pages 363–368, Marseille, France, May 2020. European Language Resources Association.
- [22]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. The uncanny valley of the virtual (animal) robot. In Munir Merdan, Wilfried Lepuschitz, Gottfried Koppensteiner, Richard Balogh, and David Obdržálek, editors, The 10th International Conference on Robotics in robotics in education, pages 419–427, Vienna, Austria, August 2019. Springer Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-26945-6_38)
- [1]
- Tobie van Dyk, Ilana Wilken, Natasha Ravyse, Deon du Plessis, Langa Khumalo, and Juan Steyn. National Language Resources Audit. South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, November 2023. (doi:20.500.12185/667)
- [2]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Sindey Carolina Bernal, Juan Manuel Escobar, Andres Alberto Burbano Lopez, Andres A. Navarro-Newball, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. XR Academia: Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe. Open Press Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, November 2022. (doi:10.26116/6wmr-t534)
- [3]
- Bonny Sands, Kerry Jones, Antjie Kassie, Griet Seekoei, Hannie Koerant, Andries Olyn, Hanna Koper, Kheis Brou, Vytjie |Abaka Koper, |Una Rooi, Simon Sauls, Elsie Vaalbooi, Katrina Esau, Claudia Snyman, David van Wyk, Mietjie Sussie Bok, Izak Kruiper, Lydia (Sakkas) Kruiper, Leonard Gewersk, Lys (Oulet) Kruiper Pietersen, Fritz Jagers, Magdalena James, Hannetjie van der Westhuizen, Chris Collins, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Sylvanus Job, Francoise (Betta) Steyn, Dietloff van der Berg, Dotty Mantzel, Willem Damarah, Menno van Zaanen, Amanda Miller, Levi Namaseb, Johanna Brugman, and Mats Exter. Nǀuuki Namagowab Afrikaans English ǂXoakiǂxanisi/Mîdi di ǂKhanis/Woordeboek/Dictionary. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, January 2022.
Book chapters
- [1]
- Ian Bekker, Daan Wissing, and Deon du Plessis. The sounds of Afrikaans: reviewing the field. In W.A.M. Carstens and Nerina Bosman, editors, Afrikaans linguistics: contemporary perspectives. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, October 2024. (doi:10.18820/9781991260529)
- [2]
- Andiswa Bukula and Rooweither Mabuya. A comparative study of the morphological structure of named entities in Nguni languages. In H. Ekkehard Wolff and Justus Chr. Roux, editors, Contextualising African Language Dynamics of Change. African Sun Media under the SUN PReSS imprint, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2024.
- [3]
- Muzi Matfunjwa. The efficacy of Siswati part of speech taggers. In H. Ekkehard Wolff and Justus Chr. Roux, editors, Contextualising African Language Dynamics of Change. African Sun Media under the SUN PReSS imprint, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2024. (doi:10.52779/9781991260581)
- [4]
- Mmasibidi Setaka and Rooweither Mabuya. 1. botemengata: Diphuputso tse ikgethileng tsa South African Centre for Digital Language Resources bakeng sa ho ntshetsa pele mehlodi ya dipuo. In Nomalungelo Ngubane, Berrington Ntombela, and Hloniphani Ndebele, editors, Implementing and Promoting Multilingualism: Speaking Through Different Tongues in South African Higher Education Spaces, page 283. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Scottsville, South Africa, June 2024.
- [5]
- Anelda Van der Walt, Juan Steyn, Angelique Trusler, and Menno Van Zaanen. Challenges and opportunities of digital humanities training in South Africa: Moving beyond the silos. In Laura Estill and Jennifer Guiliano, editors, Digital Humanities Workshops: Lessons Learned. Routledge, New York, NY, USA, February 2023. (doi:10.4324/9781003301097)
- [6]
- Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Aura Forero, Arbey Aragon, Andres Burbano, Nelson Arias, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen. Justin Beaver stories: A conversational and empathic virtual animal in mixed reality technology. In Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Sindey Carolina Bernal, Juan Manuel Escobar, Andres Alberto Burbano Lopez, Andres A. Navarro-Newball, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen, editors, XR Academia: Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe, pages 85–123. Open Press Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, November 2022. (doi:10.26116/6wmr-t534)
- [7]
- Menno van Zaanen. A visit to SADiLaR. In Alexandra Sierra Rativa, Sindey Carolina Bernal, Juan Manuel Escobar, Andres Alberto Burbano Lopez, Andres A. Navarro-Newball, Marie Postma, and Menno van Zaanen, editors, XR Academia: Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe, pages 38–62. Open Press Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, November 2022. (doi:10.26116/6wmr-t534)
- [8]
- Martin Hennelly, Langa Khumalo, Juan Steyn, and Menno van Zaanen. Training of digital language resources skills in South Africa. In Darja Fišer and Andreas Witt, editors, CLARIN: The Infrastructure for Language Resources, pages 409–428. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, October 2022. (doi:10.1515/9783110767377-016)
- [9]
- Menno van Zaanen. Interview Menno van Zaanen. In Darja Fišer and Jakob Lenardič, editors, Tour de CLARIN Volume Three, pages 112–117. CLARIN, Utrecht, the Netherlands, November 2020.
- [10]
- Deon du Plessis, Ian Bekker, and Raymond Hickey. Regionality in South African English. In Raymond Hickey, editor, English in Multilingual South Africa, pages 74–100. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, November 2019. (doi:9781108340892)
- [1]
- Rooweither Mabuya, Muzi Matfunjwa, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno Van Zaanen, editors. Proceedings of the fifth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages@ LREC-COLING 2024, Torino, Italia, May 2024. ELRA and ICCL.
- [2]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa 2023: Digital Humanities for Inclusion, Potchefstroom, South Africa, February 2024. DHASA. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v5i1)
- [3]
- Rooweither Mabuya, Don Mthabela, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen, editors. Proceedings of the fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023. European Chapter for the Association of Computational Linguistics.
- [4]
- Jessica Mabaso, Rooweither Mabuya, Muzi Matfunjwa, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen, editors. Proceedings of the third workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages, Pretoria, South Africa, November 2022. Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v4i01)
- [5]
- Amanda du Preez, Andiswa Bukula, Anusha Sewchurran, Franziska Pannach, Menno van Zaanen, Mmasibidi Setaka, Oghenere Salubi, and Rooweither Mabuya, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) 2021, Potchefstroom, South Africa, February 2022. DHASA. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v3i01)
- [6]
- Rooweither Mabuya, Mmasibidi Setaka, Deon Du Plessis, Dimakatso Mathe, Respect Mlambo, Liané Van Den Bergh, Cascious Mofokeng, and Muzi Matfunjwa, editors. Proceedings of the second workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages, Potchefstroom, South Africa, February 2022. DHASA. (doi:10.55492/dhasa.v3i03)
- [7]
- Rooweither Mabuya, Phathutshedzo Ramukhadi, Mmasibidi Setaka, Valencia Wagner, and Menno van Zaanen, editors. Proceedings of the first workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages, Marseille, France, May 2020. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Language resources
- [1]
- Benito Trollip and Trudie Strauss. Afrikaans lexical blends dataset. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, December 2023.
- [2]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen. Final year high school examination texts of South African home and first additional language subjects. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, November 2022.
- [3]
- Benito Trollip. Afrikaans morphological evaluative constructions dataset. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, November 2022.
- [4]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen. Sesotho syllabification systems. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, February 2022.
- [5]
- Johannes Sibeko and Menno van Zaanen. Sesotho syllable wordlist. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, February 2022.
- [6]
- Nomsebenzi Malele. English-IsiNdebele glossary of medical terms. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, October 2021.
- [7]
- City of Tshwane, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR), Department of Science, Innovation (DSI), and Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB). Covid-19 multilingual terminology. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, August 2021.
- [8]
- Benito Trollip. Denominal adjectives in Afrikaans dataset. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, May 2020.
- [9]
- Benito Trollip. Afrikaans linking element dataset. Technical report, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, Potchefstroom, South Africa, June 2019.