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The one-day SWiP event comprised an exciting panel discussion by experts in the fields of preservation of languages, culture, and digitisation of information, and an introductory mini workshop to Wikipedia focusing on editing, translating, and making content available online.

The one-day SWiP event comprised an exciting panel discussion by experts in the fields of preservation of languages, culture, and digitisation of information, and an introductory mini workshop to Wikipedia focusing on editing, translating, and making content available online.

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  • SADiLaR researchers at the 2022 ALASA conference

    Last month four SADiLaR researchers attended the 23rd Biennial International Conference of the African Languages Association of Southern Africa, organised by the African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA) in collaboration with the Pan South African Language Board, the Department of African Language Studies and the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society of the…

  • Contextualising child speech development in Africa

    The acquisition of language is a critical part of a child’s cognitive and social development. Language allows a child to communicate and express themselves, to develop and maintain relationships and to learn. Delayed language acquisition has been linked with learning disabilities, anxiety in children, behavioural problems and other social difficulties. Early identification and intervention in…

  • Building a termbank for SA’s official languages

    Linguistics is the scientific study of language. In a multilingual society like South Africa, we need linguists who can provide the skills, insights and expertise to ensure all our South African languages remain relevant in our fast-changing world. To build up the field of linguistics in nine of South Africa’s official languages the University of…

  • Supporting government communications through automated speech captions

    A collaboration between the CSIR speech node, a private speech technology company, SAIGEN, and SADiLaR has resulted in an automatic speech caption technology, to be used by Government Communications Information Systems, to ensure greater accessibility of government communications to South Africans. Video has become ubiquitous in society, be it news, marketing, entertainment and even educational…

  • DH-IGNITE: a roadshow to build our digital humanities community

    SADiLaR’s ESCALATOR programme is pleased to announce the DH-IGNITE regional events, which will take place across South Africa and reach out to all 26 public universities to learn more about and grow our digital humanities community. Digital humanities (DH) is what happens at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the…

  • Student data repository

    Are you a Masters or PhD student? Would you like your research data to be used in future research projects? Do you want to contribute to the academic community and give access to your research data via a trusted and internationally-accredited repository? SADiLaR offers a repository to researchers to access language resources, datasets and tools…

  • More information

    Data Management Plan A data management plan (DMP) is a mandatory deliverable for all projects funded by SADiLaR. Download our DMP template for more information. Data acquisition and distribution SADiLaR, as part of its mandate to support the creation, management and distribution of digital language resources and software, functions as a distribution channel for data…

  • Policies

    Data Access Policy SADiLaR is committed to the principles of open science. We feel it is especially relevant in the South African context where ten of the eleven official languages are considered under-resourced. By making data from all eleven languages more readily available we are better able to support the development of our indigenous languages.…

  • Resource guidelines

    Our repository functions as a digital storage space for a range of language resources and is available open access. The repository is made up of three parts: The Index contains metadata for all assets in the repository, those that can be downloaded and those that can be requested by the person listed as the contact…