Ms Rooweither Mabuya
Digital Humanities Researcher: IsiZulu
Rooweither Mabuya is a Language Researcher at the South African Centre for Digital Resources (SADiLaR). Her research interests lie in the systematic creation of relevant digital text, speech and multi-modal resources related to the development of isiZulu and to promote the use of Digital Humanities related methods and tools within the isiZulu research community. She wants to play a part in the development of isiZulu to be a language of administration, teaching and learning, research and innovation.
Honours Degree (Linguistics)
MA Degree (Dissertation: A corpus linguistics analysis of gender sensitive language in isiZulu)
Work experience:
In 2014 she participated in an internship programme at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in the Language Planning and Development Office as a Corpus Planning intern. In 2015-2016 she was employed as a contract staff member at the University Language Planning and Development Unit (ULPDO). She has been part of the development of the isiZulu National Corpus whilst working for this unit. The corpus is used for various research (initiatives), as a basis for developing HLTs and for posterity. She has assisted in various projects for this unit that promote terminology development in isiZulu for the purposes of teaching and learning across modules offered at UKZN.
In 2017 she was a research assistant for a project funded by the Department of Higher Education. The project was housed at the Centre for Critical Research on Race and Identity. The project aimed to assess transformation within higher education institutions (HEIs); and explore the obstacles to access and throughput in professional qualifications/fields with reference to women and black students.
Contact details:
Email: roo.mabuya@nwu.ac.za