
Steering committee (SC)


The SC comprises academic role players, funders, and potential role players as specified in the project proposal and accordingly invited as members:

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research Innovation and Technology, NWU or representative (ex officio);
  • Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the NWU (or representative);
  • Deans (or representatives) of, respectively,
    • the University of Pretoria;
    • the University of South Africa;
  • CEO (or representative) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR);
  • Representative of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI);
  • Representative of the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC);
  • Representative of the National Research Foundation (NRF);
  • Representative of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC);
  • Representative of the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS);
  • Representative of South African Humanities’ Deans Association (SAHUDA);
  • Representative of the nodes of SADiLaR;
  • Representative of industry (to be determined at later stage); and
  • Director of SADiLaR.

Objectives, purpose and activities

The SC has an oversight role with regard to all activities of SADiLaR, which implies:

  • setting strategic direction;
  • approving policy and planning that give effect to the strategy;
  • overseeing and monitoring implementation and execution of the strategy by management; and
  • ensuring accountability for organisational performance inter alia through reporting and disclosure.

Delegated authority

The Executive Committee comprises the Chairperson and two nominated members of the SC, who may act on behalf of the SC when deemed necessary.


Members of the SC serve a term of three years in accordance with continued contractual arrangements between the Department of Science and Innovation and the North-West University.

Scientific advisory committee (SAC)


The SAC comprises international and national experts in applicable fields related to the activities of the Centre.

International members

  • CEO (or representative) of the European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology (CLARIN).
  • CEO (or representative) of the European Association of Language Resources (ELRA) (France).
  • CEO (or representative) of the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) (USA).
  • A senior academic actively involved in international activities within the domain of Digital Humanities.
  • Director (SADiLaR).
  • DH Professor (SADiLaR).
  • HLT-industry representative (Speech).

National members

  • Chairperson (or representative) of the Ministerial HLT Expert Panel of the Department of Arts and Culture.
  • Representative of the South African National Library.
  • Chairperson of the Editor’s Forum of the National Lexicographic Units (NLUs).
  • Representative of the South African Translator’s Institute (SATI).
  • Representative of South African National Archives.
  • Representative of the African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA).
  • Representative of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX).
  • Representative of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA).
  • Node managers of SADiLaR.
  • Representative of the South African Humanities Dean’s association (SAHUDA).
  • Technical and project manager of SADiLaR.

These committees could co-opt a maximum of two experts in fields that may not be represented within this groups.
The role and function of the SAC stays the same as stipulated in the DSI contract.

Objectives, purpose and activities

The SAC is responsible for scientific and technical advice which includes

  • strategic planning in view of local and international developments in the domain of language resources and Digital Humanities;
  • identification of potential projects of national and international importance taking into account the South African context and the aims of the Centre;


Members of the SC serve a term of three years in accordance with continued contractual agreements between the Department of Science and Innovation and the North-West University.

Reporting mechanism to SC

Recommendations taken by the SAC will be forwarded to the SC as advice.

Audit, risk and financial committee (ARFIC)


The ARFIC comprises

  • Director of SADiLaR
  • Project Manager of SADiLaR
  • Three designated members of the SC (or delegated research managers – excluding node representatives)

Convenor to be nominated from non-SADiLaR members.

Objectives, purpose and activities

The ARFIC is responsible to monitor, assess and report on the attainment of targets set with regard to

  • technical and physical infrastructure
  • staff appointments and capacity building
  • all projects conducted
  • financial, risk and governance compliance, in the context of
    • financial controls established and implemented in accordance with the guidelines/requirements set by the NWU
    • risk compliance in accordance with risk management framework approved by the SC (as proposed by the ARFIC)
    • governance compliance (other than finance and risk) in accordance with guidelines/requirements set by the NWU and approved by the SC


Members of the ARFIC serve a term of three years in accordance with continued contractual arrangements between the Department of Science and Technology and the North-West University.

Reporting mechanism to SC

The ARFIC reports quarterly to the MC prior to submission of Director’s reports to the Department of Science and Innovation in September (biannual report) and March (annual report).

Management committee (MC)


The MC comprises

  • Director of SADiLaR
  • Research Manager
  • Technical Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Financial Manager
  • Node managers

Objectives, purpose and activities

The MC is responsible for smooth operation of the Centre and management of daily activities within the Centre and its nodes which includes allocation and management of funds for open call or other interim projects.

Delegated authority

The Executive Committee comprises the Director and two Managers resident in the Hub.

Reporting mechanisms

The MC reports to both the SAC and SC as part of biannual or annual reports.

Project Evaluation Committees (PECS)


The PEC comprises

  • Director of SADiLaR
  • Research Manager
  • Technical Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Three members drawn from a panel of experts nominated by the MC as required.

Objectives, purpose and activities

The PEC will assess and prioritise all project proposals in line with criteria established by the MC.

Services of experts in required domains will be attained at a fixed tariff as determined by the MC.

Reporting mechanisms

The PECs report to both the SAC and SC as part of biannual or annual reports.