
  • SADiLaR Team: Xitsonga Researcher

    Author: Mieke Hofmeyr At SADiLaR, Mr. Respect Mlambo is the Xitsonga researcher. Respect specialises in lexicography, translation and terminology. Currently he is keeping himself busy with the writing of papers and blogs for SADiLaR in his various fields of research. While the current Covid-19 situation and national lockdown is impacting the whole of South Africa…

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  • SADiLaR Team: Setswana Researcher

    Mrs. Valencia Wagner is SADiLaR’s Setswana language researcher. She finds sociolinguistics, phonetics, phonology and digital humanities particularly interesting within the language of Setswana. Currently she is working on the writing of articles and organising virtual workshops. Other projects that is currently consuming Mrs. Wagner’s time is focusing- and working on her PhD studies. She is…

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  • Taal in die tyd van die Afstandskepper

    Author: Benito Trollip (SADiLaR Afrikaans Researcher) Short summary and English title: Language in the time of a distance creator In today’s blog the importance and value of language in our current circumstances is discussed. The dual nature of language as a conveyer of information and a medium of encouragement form the basis of the discussion.…

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  • SADiLaR Team: Afrikaans Researcher

    Author: Mieke Hofmeyr Benito Trollip is the SADiLaR reseacher in the field of the Afrikaans language. When it comes to research he is especially interested in the ways in which meaning is constructed in language. “I tend to focus on compounds and other word-forming processes and the way people choose to combine form and meaning.…

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  • SADiLaR Team: Sesotho Researcher

    Author: Mieke Hofmeyr Mmasibidi Setaka is the proud Sesotho researcher at SADiLaR. She is passionate about her research into the digital sphere of this language as well as research area of lexicography. As a researcher at SADiLaR, Ms Setaka is always working on a variety of different projects, but she is currently focusing her research…

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  • Keteko ya Sesotho sa Leboa bjalo ka leleme la gae

    Author: Dimakatso Mathe (SADiLaR Sesotho sa Leboa Researcher) This blog provides a general overview of Sesotho sa Leboa language celebration that took place at the University of Limpopo on the 31st of July, 2019. The celebration was organised by SADiLaR in response to UNESCO’s proclamation to declare 2019 as the Year of Indigenous Languages. The…

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